Goal setting

Sometimes people just don’t know what goes into goal setting exactly. This board will help you achieve our goals properly so they are more likely to be attainable. Just keep in mind that sometimes they won’t work out exactly the way you want them too. Check out this board on how to achieve your goals in a more attainable way.

A better mindset, a better you!

With the new semester starting, I thought this board would be the perfect optimistic start. Everyone should start out the semester saying “I can” rather than “I can’t.” You will have a great semester if you start out with an optimistic view towards your classes, friendships, and relationships. Make sure you stop over and take a look at this board to get a few ideas on how to start the semester in a positive way.


Feel like college classes are not right for you and you want to go on a different career path? Check out this bulletin board on the military where you will find different facts, the numerous branches, as well myths about the military!

Study Abroad

If you have ever thought about studying abroad you should read this bulletin board and see why you should take up such as amazing experience. Studying abroad can you break out of your shell allowing you meet different people and learn about different cultures.

Your Words Have Power

Think before you speak. You may not realize it at the time, but what you say can affect someone immensely. Even if you are making a comment to your close friend, you never know who can over hear the conversation you are having.

The Year Is Yours 

A small quote to get you thinking before the semester starts. Remember to not let the negativity of others effect how you will perform this upcoming year. Stay true to yourself and you will accomplish great things. 

Fresh Start to the Semester

Are you excited to start the new semester, but are looking for ways to make this semester better than the last? Well this bulletin board is just what you need. Here are simple tips and tricks for you to start your semester off just right. Take these tips and relate them back to you. Whether you want to relate them to school or to your personal life, they will help you conquer the new semester.

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